Fine-Tune Your Yoga Practice

Yoga Resources

Fine-tune and Go deeper with these FREE yoga instructional videos.


You will need 1 Block and a Blanket + an ounce of willingness ;)

Heal the dysfunctional movement patterns in your shoulders that lead to head, neck, and back pain!

We’ve all been there, right? We wake up with soreness around our neck and shoulders - which if not helped, will follow its due course to chronic pain and complaints!

Sometimes trying the same same just doesn’t work - It may take something radical to create change and heal. Report back to me after you have practiced with this free video and let me know how your shoulders feel after.


Want to get stronger in your core? Try this video.

Just click the play button and go!

You will need

  • two blocks

  • Yoga belt/strap

  • a little dash of patience ;)

Get ready to get stronger in your core! No sit ups needed, this is the real deal.

If you enjoyed practicing along with these videos, then there are many more videos on my On demand page. Check it out!


Working on a goal, or with an injury?